Devrim Kunter yaratısı "Seyfettin Efendi ve Olağanüstü Maceraları" ilk kitabı Yeditepe Canavarı comixologi üzerinden sanal alemde ingilizce olarak okurlara sunuldu:
The Exceptional Adventures of Seyfettin Efendi #1
A-Demon-inbetween-the-seven-hills #1 (of 4)
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Dünyaca ünlü comics tanıtım sitesi IGN'de ise ilk olumlu eleştirisini aldı:
"The Exceptional Adventures of Seyfettin Efendi starts with a vignette before leading into its ongoing narrative about a detective agency hunting a serial killer. In many ways this plays out like a Sherlock Holmes story set in Istanbul. I did come across an error in the writing with “Do you it’s our killer Seyfettin?” but context and familiarity with the English language fill in the missing word easily enough. The colored art looks great and sells the characters, the world, and both the time and place of the setting."
Yolun açık olsun Devrim Kunter, Cumhuriyetimizin temsilcisi Seyfettin Efendi'nin okuru bol olsun!
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